Corporate Social Responsibility has become an essential part of doing business. As an organization you want to do the right thing on issues such as respecting human rights, protecting natural resources, preserving labor standards, protecting the environment, and fighting corruption. We aim to promote educational and community health programs while fostering new cultural understanding, and the exchange of new ideas.
Our non-profit organization, “Give the Dream Foundation” connects companies with projects around the world.
About Give The Dream Foundation
We all dream of a better world! GTD would like to help you get involved in global charitable projects in order to make the world a better place. Give The Dream Foundation (GTD) partners with donors, volunteers and international charities who dream about a better world. Global issues like poverty and a lack of education lead to a world of problems that end up affecting the entire planet.
Give The Dream Foundation brings your donations to the harshest places in the world. GTD manages each project from start to finish and follows up to make sure that the progress will last.
Did you know that almost 400 million dollars is donated in the US each year and only about 5% of that goes to supporting international causes? Give The Dream Foundation works with people who dream about a better world. Poverty leads to a world of problems that ends up effecting the entire planet. In many places in the world poverty has led to hunger, disease, environmental degradation, and a low quality of life. Give The Dream Foundation brings donations to the harshest places in the world. Give The Dream manages each project from start to finish and follows up to make sure that the progress will last. Recent projects include:
- Togo, West Africa- Clean Water Project: Donations have gone to make water pump replacements in Togo giving 30,000 people fresh water 2014-15. More donations are needed to fix the pumps in 35 more villages.
To Learn More please click here: DONATE
- Gambia West Africa- Restoring water to a rural school of 400 students in The Gambia. Thanks to all of the donors. We raised $7,440 for this project in just a few weeks! Your compassion and generosity will make a lasting impact in this community. The new equipment is expected to supply water to the school for 15 to 20 years!
- Organic farming to fight hunger in the South of Spain: Volunteers learn to farm on a sustainable plot; all of the crops are given to people in need at several food banks in the region.
For more information please contact us at:
Give The Dream Foundation is a charity founded July 11, 1997 and is a US 501 (c) 3 organization that supports various charitable projects around the world. The charity’s US tax identification number is EIN 86-0882426, and this is a public charity. An invoice and photo book from the project will be sent to your return address or email as soon as possible. If you wish to send your donation please make the check payable to Give the Dream Foundation.
Send Donations to:
Give The Dream Foundation
P.O. Box 3464
Incline Village, NV 89450
-Regreen Lahaina Project
-Solar Panels in The Gambia for water pumps
-South African Conservation Expedition
-Malaria education and prevention in West Africa
-Water pumps in Togo
-Efficient wood burning stoves on the islands of Lake Titicaca
-Kai Aina Love: Preserving trails and coral reefs
Justin J. Spees, MBA
+1 (619) 316 0963